Andy's five or six episodes behind me Orange-County-wise, so here's a blog. I don't know.
Neil Roberts is meeting with the district attorney tomorrow.
I foolishly told the Mistletone dudes that we could send them the promo pic, promo tune (for a radio sampler) and a bio/blurb by the end of the day yesterday ... sooooo we spent like five hours in the morning mixing this new song, five hours taking photos and stuff, maybe three hours working on a blurb, and then another two hours mixing the song again.
Finally sent the email off at 4:45 this mornin'.
Death Proof rules. The appeal is so visceral and subconscious. Easy to understand when it's in front of you, impossible to put into words. All I can say is that Quentin Tarantino is must be smarter than me cause he knew all these things that I subconsciously wanted to see in a film and even now I don't really understand where these weird desires come from or how they've never been satiated.
Dan didn't like the Flaming Lips film clips.
Taryn Baker! Awwww shit. No. Ok. She's vapid - clueless to the shit goin' down with Volchok.
Oh! I went to the Cumings' today and they're thinkin' about letting us play with them on the 31st. T'would be good fun (The pursuit of 'fun' is lame, the pursuit of anything is lame - lame.) and also excellent practice! If they were into the idea, anyway.
Shak+Hanna - Milk Teddy rule.
Speed grapes.
Dan was amazing with country capitals.
Oh! Would anyone care to see a couple of the photos we took yesterday? might make like, a band blog, at some stage, better designed for people who aren't you to read. I wonder. I was thinking like a "Road To Summertones" kinda thing ... but also with self-created youtube ads for favourite obscure bands, and songs and demos, maybe some like slow release of each song from the album on a different day or some shit I don't know.
Album will be done in seven minutes by the way. No it won't. That was satirical. But it is coming. Andy's much more finicky than I am with the quality control these days, which is like, artistically, probably a good thing, but suicide-preventionally? nossogood...
Speed grapes. The point of the title is that life is kinda like the movie Speed cause you can't stop and you can't slow down, not if you wanna make the jump - (overexposure!!! stress, work, ambition) - and hopefully everyone'll be off the bus when the bomb explodes and you die. - (hose down the dead, before they die, before they die) (I can find, patterns and shades, grey on black = life, white on white = death, goddamn it's morning) -
SOUR CREAM - had some in these vegetable sandwiches at Marc's yesterday and oh man ... that shit's gonna be a vital piece of my sandwich repertoire.
I googled 'sandwich' just now to check the spelling. I'm gonna take that as a cue to get the fuck off this laptop on a green chair in our living room.